Leadership Coaching

Leadership, Management and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace.

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

When it comes to reaching our goals, we must be aware of our habits and if necessary, change them.
Habits are a double-edged sword. They can work for you or against you. That's how important they are.
These are some facts worth considering when it comes to habits, as described by Matt West in an interesting article:

✓ Habits become who you are. When you form a habit, you do it without thinking about it.
✓ Habits can be changed. It can be challenging to break a habit, but start small until your new good habit becomes second nature.
✓ Reach your goals through good habits. Start by establishing a daily and achievable one.
✓ When you form a habit and it becomes second nature, you don't have to rely on motivation to do what needs to be done.

Check the article here: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/5-reasons-why-its-important-to-develop-good-habits/